Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 3-GIS Cartography-Mexico

Mexico Population-Map 1
I thought the instructions to produce this map were straight forward but spent the most time picking colors. I also got a feel for the SQL Query.

Central Mexico-Map 2
The thing I learned the most was converting the labels to annotation and the symbology tab. I also spent some time working with the scales and how to remove the RANK from the legend of the rivers portion. I wasn't able to get it to be like the other portions of the legend but I was able to rename it so it made some sense.

Elevations of Mexico-Map 3

In this exercise I learned the difference between stretched and classified symbology.  I spent the most time testing colors for the countries and a graduated look that wasn't to awful to look at.  I wanted to create elevations that ended with the highest elevations being white.  I thought this made the most sense as the highest elevations would have snow, especially as there are some peaks in Mexico over 17,000 ft. high.

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