Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week 8-On your own-Boise, ID

Week 8-- Boise, Idaho--Weighted Analysis

This project was to show a basemap of Boise, Idaho, a distance analysis from the State Capital and the airport, then do a weighted analysis of the median home values and based on a certain age group. I started the with assembling the basemap for the area.  There were a few minor projection and clipping problems, but overall I thought it went well.  After the distance analysis, I tried for approximately three days to get sets of data that I could join together.  The census tracts contained approximately 3700 tracts.  The census tables  contained only 50+/-  records.  I could see that I need to truncate or reclassify the 3700 tracts into the 50 records.  I tried everything that I know how to do.  So in the end I wasn't able to do the weighted analysis as I had a roadblock I couldn't pass. In retrospect, I should have chosen a Florida county where the data may have been cleaner.

Basically a real bummer of a week after a great start!

Boise, Idaho Basemap

Distances from the Idaho State Capital and Boise Airport

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