Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 4-Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Fishing Closure-Environmental Sensitive Index Mapping
Cape San Blas, Florida--Map No. 41

Part 1
Google Earth-Fishing Closure May 25, 2010

I orginally had some issues with the projection and tracing operations in developing this map, but in the end I believe it all came together.  I learned a lot on checking my data.

Environmental Sensitive Mapping-ESI Index Mapping

This weeks submittal had a number of challenges and opportunities for learning.  The first challenge was getting the DRG Quad map file to project correctly.  It took quite some time and eventually, I went back and changed the projection for the whole project to NAD 83-UTM-16N.  After the change,  the quad file came into the project correctly but the graphic display was really terrible and very grainy.  After seeing this I went back to LABINS and downloaded the DOQQ files for the study area.  The files downloaded and projected seemlessly.  When I was nearly completed with the project, I tested an export of the DRG file and found that it exported fine.  I'm not sure why it looks terrible in the drawing but fine in a jpeg export.  After seeing this I went back and reworked all of my maps to display the DRG, as the project requirements requested.  I did include one of the DOQQ files for reference.  One thing that I noticed was the beach at Cape San Blas has eroded since the DRG-Quad was mapped. Interesting!  If I had the project to do over again, I would perhaps pick an area that had a larger population area.  I was a bit surprised that there wasn't more booming planned for the area, but perhaps there are higher priority areas?  I also would have liked to add more graphs and tables, but ran out of time with nearly 50+ hours into the whole project.

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